I like that feeling of accomplishment… Mastering a new skill, finishing a book, completing an afghan, scarf or hat. It makes me feel like I am in control, well at least in control of some things. On the fourth, I finished two afghans that were in progress, worked on another so, I’m about 90 percent done with that, finished a scarf yesterday and started a new one today.

Some projects lend themselves to being finished easily – great yarn, pattern that you are comfortable with or sheer dedication to finishing a project. There are some people who will only work on one project at a time or read only one book at a time. Not me, I have several projects that I am working on at a time and then I get to the point where I will finish several things all at once. It’s not bad to have only one project in progress or several at a time. It all depends on your comfort level. I don’t like carrying things around, so once an afghan gets too large or there is about a third of an afghan left to complete… it gets put in the needs to be finished category.
Since I abandoned a project a couple of months ago, everything else has been good on the crocheting front. I have three afghans and two scarves in progress and I like working on all of them. One scarf is for a gift, the other to donate. Two of the afghans are too unwieldy to work on outside of my home, so that’s another reason why I start new projects – not enough to complete in the allotted time, or they are too large to carry to a Meetup (which is generally in a pub or restaurant) or work on at my local coffeeshop. I like having several projects going at once, itās like cooking a large family meal, some things are easy to prepare and take very little attention – like boiling corn, while others need more attention and care – baking Cornish hens or ham and some you need to focus on the task at hand – making a cake from scratch.

Whatever your choice when crafting – one project at a time or several at a time – do what makes you happy. Itās a craft; maybe you work quickly or slowly. The process and how you feel when you are working on an item is just as important as when (and whether or not) you finish.