Sometimes projects just don’t work out right. So then I unravel them, especially if I like the yarn. If I don’t like the yarn, I will take it and then ditch the whole project, generally in the donation bag. Someone else may like it.

In my quest to work on cables or a variety of different designs for scarves, I tried working on a scarf that I with a variety of post stitches other than basketweave. When I started this, it seemed as though it would work well, but it didn’t quite work the way that I wanted it to. After an entire skein, in a color that I immediately loved, but probably wouldn’t buy because I received it in a mystery bag that I purchased from Premier yarns. One skein in I didn’t like how the scarf was curling in on itself. I used my scepter of power – my nostepinne and deftly unwound the third of the scarf that I’d made so that it is ready to add to the scarf that I started with the yarn – in basketweave. Same hook, same yarn, different stitch.

moving forward with the one on the left
Not every yarn is right for every project. I use this same yarn to make little red hats and when doing that, I want a more tightly woven hat and use an I hook, for this scarf, I was using a J – a full two sizes up and I like the outcome.

Sometimes the yarn just makes it into what it wants to be. Today, I made a hat using the same pattern that I have used before and it turned out to be a preemie-ish hat. The circumference is 12 inches instead of 13. I don’t actively make preemie hats since I found that there isn’t as much of a need for them. I made a hat using the same pattern a few weeks ago and the hat came out a little wider. There are times when I believe that yarn has a mind of its own, has a creative voice and decides what it wants to be in some cases.
Maybe it’s not just a fallacy that someone needs to find the right yarn for a pattern or the right pattern for a specific yarn. Yarns speak, we must listen and make what the yarn wants to become.
Happy crocheting!