In a few days I am leaving for Costa Rica and I am getting ready for my trip. I still have a degree of uncertainty about how much yarn to bring, but I have decided to bring enough for a few hats (5 skeins) and enough yarn to make 6 scarves. I was thinking five until I started reading more about travel times. I can look out the window and be engaged with

other people when I’m crocheting. Reading is a closed activity, whereas crocheting allows me to be able to still talk to people. Plus, the ride from the airport to the resort is approximately 90 minutes and there is time lounging by the pool or near the beach and that is definitely crochet time. Some of the people in our group are going to the spa one day. I’m not a spa person, but I can definitely finish a hat in that time.
The yarn for the “Costa Rica collection” has been selected. Using my last trip as a guide and considering a day at the resort equivalent to a day at sea on a cruise, I think I have enough packed. Now I am considering this a personal challenge to make hats and scarves. This is going to be fun!
I opted not to bring my Kindle because I only use it to read a little and I downloaded a game I like to play. The Kindle is also heavy and takes up room that I could have for souvenirs – I want to buy a mug for myself and of course yarn in my carry on.
At last night’s knitting group meeting, I showed them a picture of the yarn I was taking, explained the time, place, etc and they think I’m bringing enough. In the back of my mind, there’s still the fear that I won’t have enough. A few years ago, I ran out of yarn when I was on a cruise where we had several days at sea and sightseeing, plus outdoor movies. Some people worry about the fear of missing out or the fear of packing too few clothes. I have been traveling since I was a child and my family’s motto is always make sure you have money and your passport, you can buy the rest. Warm vacation spots aren’t the places where you can easily buy yarn. When I’m sitting, I”m crocheting. Lots of sitting on this trip means lots of time to crochet.
I’ve been topping off my toiletries in my kit which is generally ready to go, I have sun screen, bug spray (things I normally don’t carry on vacation) and have figured out some outfits to mix and match for the trip – day wear and a few nice outfits for the evening and an optional sightseeing trip. It’s this yarn thing that is giving me the flux.
I’ve made my decision on what I’m taking and if I run out… it won’t be that I didn’t make a valiant effort. If I run out of yarn, I will just have to “be like everyone else and nap” as my best friend suggested.
Look for pictures of the “Costa Rica” collection soon!
Happy Crocheting!