That sounds like it should be part of the Twelve Days of Christmas, but it’s not. Just after Thanksgiving I shipped off a dozen red scarves and met the only…
Mid-October Already?
Where has the time gone? It’s been a while since my last post but I’ve still been crocheting. I did purchase some yarn and am planning a new crochet workspace….
To pom or not to pom
I’ve been happily crocheting along continuing on my year of free crocheting, deciding to do whatever I want with few goals and it’s been blissful. The most enjoyable part is…
Crochet Dilettante
As I close out the third month of my free form maker year and using up yarn in my stash (well, mostly), I have been trying new things. I have…
Colorful new year
The weather may have been gray in January but the crochet projects were not. I dabbled a bit with interweave crochet and a bit of mosaic. There are a few…
2024 Crochet Goals
After purging yarn I don’t like, and wouldn’t use from my working stash, I decided that in 2024 I’m going to use up the yarn I have and make 2024…
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