Like many metropolitan areas I’m going to be working from home for a few weeks because of COVID-19. I’ve been planning and have much of what I need, I bought…
A Dyeing Adventure
Last year, I dyed some yarn with Kool-Aid. I liked the yarn and the colors that I used. After Easter of 2019, I purchased some Paas kits on sale to…
Staying warm
On Friday, a pile of warm winter gear rested in a chair because it was so heavy that it pulled my magnetized hook down when they were draped on the…
Ode to a mystery chunky yarn
One of the benefits of working on multiple projects at a time is that I don’t get bored with crocheting. Also, since I’m working on afghans, after a short time,…
New year, new goals
Yes, it’s the second week of January, well, the first FULL week of January and I’ve finally set my 2020 crochet goals. This year, I am committing to making 15 afghans,…
Handmade gifts are not cheap!
Not everyone is worthy of your gifts. I ran into a neighbor as I was getting some packages that I’d ordered for Christmas. She commented – presents for Christmas? Yeah….
Enjoying the holidays – one stitch at a time
My 2019 crochet goals have changed a few times. I met the baby hat goal, original scarf goal, then added a hat and scarf set goal, then met and exceeded…
Losing track of finished pieces
I definitely cheer myself on when I get the math right or plan the correct number of stitches for a new project. [Thanks to the practical use of algebra.] When…
All good things must come to an end…
The American Heart Association has ended its Little Hats Big Hearts program. Many of us who made hats for the organization were concerned. The hats that were already sent…
Dyeing Experiment
In one of my kitchen cabinets I found a stash of unsweetened Kool-Aid packets and in my working yarn stash I found a couple of four skein bags of undyed…
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