A few years ago I made some mystery balls and had a plan to create an afghan. One, twice, three times I started an afghan and one is currently in…
Crochet Dilettante
As I close out the third month of my free form maker year and using up yarn in my stash (well, mostly), I have been trying new things. I have…
2024 Crochet Goals
After purging yarn I don’t like, and wouldn’t use from my working stash, I decided that in 2024 I’m going to use up the yarn I have and make 2024…
Lost at yarn chicken
A little of this and a little of that… that phrase can be associated with recipes, or crafting. In my case, I’ve been matching up different oddballs to branch out…

International Crochet Day
It seems fitting that International Crochet Day and Mindfulness Day are on the same day – September 12, both are meant to offer relaxation. This is definitely a necessity for…
Hello…July! Well, almost…
I haven’t posted in a while, but that does not mean I haven’t been crocheting. I have been working with a lot of different yarns, I bought some, and…
Back to Basics
I like using openwork stitches that work up fast. My favorite is the Granny Stitch. The term loosely lumps many fan or shell stitches together when they are worked in…
How do you use your leftover yarn?
For me, one way of using up leftover yarn is to make oddball hats. There is never the right amount of yarn for a project. When you buy something just…
Reclaiming space
Officially, I met my goals for 2020 on October 31. The 2020 goal was 15 afghans 40 scarves and 15 sets. I also made a few hats out of oddballs…
Met my 2020 goals
Work, walk, crochet, read that’s about how my days go. The safest option is to stay at home, crochet and watch movies. The election is over now it seems like…
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