The collection of black and mystery balls that I have been amassing – I have four complete and one I’m still adding to – are waiting for the right pattern….
Ode to the Granny Square
The Granny Square is a utilitarian way of using up yarn. Generally, when many people think of a Granny Square afghan they think of lots of smaller motifs joined together…
The hat
Multiple projects going at one time keeps the love of crochet alive for me. The mystery balls are still in progress; right after finishing an afghan in multiple shades of…
Double the fun
Last Saturday, after exercising and showering before my busy Saturday of reading on the couch, I went shopping in my yarn stash. I found some yarn for hat and scarf…
Being creative while sheltering in place
Crocheting is something I do everyday. Now that I am sheltering in place, I do more of it especially since I have more time to watch movies. My commute time…
Pre-planning yarn chicken
I have two yarns I want to put together and I was trying to maximize the size of the scarf based on the amount of yarn that I have. I…
Infatuated with stripes
I am currently excited and infatuated with stripes in scarves. I do like self-striping yarns, but I want to be able to control the stripes. Though scarves are on the…
Today’s the day
Today is definitely the day! Since the temperatures are sub-zero in Chicago (-22 degrees F as of this writing), my office is closed for the next two days. Initially, it…
Mismatched or colorful?
My grandmother would call it mismatched. I call it colorful. Two full balls of mystery yarn and an additional handful has allowed me to make this interesting afghan. After a…
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