Second trial

Second trial

The second test yarn was great and is a winner. The second trial scarf worked up like a dream. It was fast and thick and an enjoyable project. The gift will definitely work out well. I am looking forward to working on it.

Now, I’m trying different stitch patterns and even though it worked out in my head and the math was right, the execution didn’t work so I went with another stitch pattern in a similar yarn and it’s almost as though the scarf is making itself.

That happens, there are times when the yarn and stitch pattern just align and mindlessness sets in. Muscle memory takes over and the fabric just creates itself. I like these kinds of projects because it makes it easy to make a lot of different things and have fun. For me the goal is volume and quality. Quality improves because of the sheer number of things that I can make from the practice. I’m not opposed to mindful crafting. It is a noble thing to think about each stitch, enjoy the moment. I do enjoy the moments of creating knowing that I am making something for someone who needs it or who I want to give a gift to.

For a gift, I put a lot of thought and preparation prior to the making portion but that allows me to enjoy what I’m doing. Knowing the pattern, in the right color and having enough yarn to make all make the project more enjoyable. Being “at one with the yarn” and working slowly doesn’t do it for me. I like a steady pace. Knowing that for this gift in particular will work for the gift’s recipient – machine washable and dryable makes this more mindful to me.

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