Work it up

Work it up

I have decided to only buy necessary “working yarn” that is yarn that will match or coordinate with a project. I have a lot of working yarn and as many projects that I have completed and complete on a weekly basis, I’m ready to use up most of this and give the working yarns a new fresh look. In the past month, I have purchased two lots of neutral yarns – navy and black – both Red Heart and undyelotted which will coordinate with many yarns I already have. These are mainly for afghans which I try to plan or tie together with a neutral – hence the large quantities of black and navy that I purchased. Many yarns that I have are purchased in scarf quantities so I can try a color in a yarn that I am already familiar with or to try a new stitch pattern. Even with the projects that I plan to complete by the end of the year, I have more than enough yarn.

There is a blend of new and old yarn in my working stash, mainly because there are yarns that caught my eye and I bought them. Because of the novelty of the yarns, I am so anxious to try them that I forget about what I already have. There are lots of interesting yarns in my working yarn stash. Some unused still banded wool that I purchased at a thrift store, novelty colors [well novel for me, because they are in colors I would rarely wear myself, like fuchsia or a magenta blend, but they would be wonderful for a scarf]. Several years ago I did this and worked with just the yarn that I had. It took about a year to use up all of the yarn that I had. I want to replenish my working stash with yarn that I really want to work with. As tempting as new yarns (and sales) are I’m ready to use up the yarn that I have and then let loose and buy new yarn in the new year. I may need something for a special gift but I am ready for the challenge of using up my working yarn. I still plan on going to a local shop and buying some yarn – just for me before the end of the year, but the bags and totes of yarn are going to be used up.

This year, I set a goal of a certain number of scarves which I am on pace to meet, I started the final afghan that I want to make for my church group and when I use up the yarn that I purchased for the red hats, that’s the number of hats that I will donate. Then I’m going to go through the working yarn and take stock of what I have left and dive in, instead of just skimming off the top.
There are many times that the last yarn that I purchase until something else catches my eye is what gets used up first. Instead, I’m going to use it up and give the completed items away. My goal is to have just one tote with my [actual] stash yarn remaining.

I am on a mission… and I will succeed!

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