Too much of a good thing?

Too much of a good thing?

Two weeks ago it hit me, crochet project fatigue. I’m ready to make something larger. For the past decade or more I have been occupied with making afghans between 10-20 per year. When I decided to take a break this year for a crocheting sabbatical and only focus on technique, hats and scarves, I wanted to step back and not concentrate on large projects.

When I decided not to make afghans this year. I thought that 50 scarves, and 60 hats were a manageable goal for the year. Well, not only was it manageable, but achievable. The new goal of 10 hat and scarf sets, 75 scarves and 75 hats, is going along well and when both symphony and opera seasons start again in the fall, there will be built in time to crochet during the pre-event talks. BUT I miss making afghans.

The almost instant gratification and satisfaction of a completed work, has challenged me to seek out new motifs at a much faster pace than I normally would when working on an afghan. The fast pace has given me an opportunity to increase my speed, and work out new finishing techniques. There are pros and cons to this sabbatical year… The biggest benefit will be the number of groups that will receive more donations. I’ve become more particular about the yarn I use for certain projects, my speed has increased and I have tried more yarns than before since the amount needed for a scarf isn’t as costly as the amount needed for an afghan.

I will keep plugging away at my goals, there are four months left in the year, much more to do and crochet. Stay tuned!

Happy crocheting!

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