Met my 2020 goals

Met my 2020 goals

Work, walk, crochet, read that’s about how my days go.  The safest option is to stay at home, crochet and watch movies.

The election is over now it seems like we can all breathe. There’s not much else to do – COVID-19 cases are increasing daily and we have a stay home advisory in Illinois, people are suggested not to go to any gatherings in large groups. Most activities are cancelled or postponed anyway.

On Halloween I met my 2020 goal of 40 scarves, 15 sets and 15 afghans. The other day I noticed that I have cleared out a small space near my favorite chair in the living room. Since I’ve finished the last of my goals – 15 afghans and it’s getting cold, I’ve been making more hats and scarves. A few weeks ago, I thought I had gotten to the creative portion of my stashbusting. I haven’t even gotten close to finishing all the working stash yarn that I have; closer than in March, but there’s a bit more still available. There is a brown fleck merino yarn that I have a lot of, and it’s been making the rounds in projects. I didn’t like it, set it aside but blended with other yarns it’s very nice.

Reviewing the collectionBlack fleck hat

Now what? I’m making a few more sets to donate. Since Halloween I’ve made more sets and gone through the scarves to see if there are some oddballs that I can match up to make a coordinating hat.  I’ve found a few and made a couple of coordinating hats. For yarns that have no dye lot this works well, or I or use a similarly colored yarn. I’ve finished 21 planned sets and with the additional hats I’ve made; they bring up the total to 23 sets. I had enough left from a couple of previous projects to make similarly designed hats in the same yarn. The stitch pattern may not be the same so there’s enough yarn to complete the project. There are another couple of hats that will be inspired by scarves with closely matching colors. Then there’s the giant Caron Anniversary Cake that hasn’t been touched yet.

This gives me an idea for next year’s goals… Stay tuned.

Happy Thanksgiving and keep crocheting!